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Volume 4 Number 4, December 2005

Original Research Article

Issues in Redistributive Expenditure Management and Income Inequality in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

The Truism of the True and Fair View of Auditor’s Report    HTML | Fulltext

Financial Statement Analyses and Investment Decision of Nigerian Banks    HTML | Fulltext

Tax Revenue and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Evidence from Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship in Bayelsa State    HTML | Fulltext

Taxation and Small Business; Challenges and Prospects in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext

Capital Adequacy and Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks with International Authorization in Nigeria    HTML | Fulltext



2023; 7: 
1,   4
2007; 6: 
1,   2,   3
2006; 5: 
1,   2
2005; 4: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2004; 3: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2003; 2: 
1,   2,   3,   4
2002; 1: 

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